Today's Mathematics

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Today’s Mathematics is Understanding Cipher all being Born to Understanding
Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Understanding Cipher all being Born to Understanding. Understanding is the clear comprehension that is conceived from the union of Knowledge and Wisdom and is perfectly seen through with the third eye, also known as the mind. A Cipher is any person, place, or thing that is complete within its own nature or purpose. Therefore, Understanding the Cipher gives one a concise, mental picture of all things in order to see the purpose and direction of a said person. place, or thing, Understanding is also symbolic to the Black child because it is the best part of Knowledge and Wisdom(man & woman).
As a society, we have to proactively protect the children, mentally and physically from those who are willing to sacrifice our children to the diabolical conditions that have been created by the adults. Ariel Devonish-Francis of the Bronx was arrested yesterday for improperly disposing of a cadaver after she gave birth to a stillborn and threw the child down the incinerator. Sadly, this isn’t the first time something like this had happened in the projects of NYC. When situation like this occur, we must take into account that it is not solely the teenager who is responsible for such a heinous act. Evidence still stands that racism is alive an well, especially in politics, as Buena Vista, Michigan township clerk Gloria Platko was taped in a phone conversation calling the township manager Dexter Mitchell an “arrogant nigger”. Her defense? The regular, “I can’t be racist. I have black friends at my home for Thanksgiving dinner”, defense. A high school student shot himself in his classroom in Cincinnati in an apparent suicide attempt. If we look deep into the music, video games, and cultural influence, we’ll find the causes of children taking themselves through these calamities.
Understanding the Cipher is getting a clear picture of what and how circumstances and situations are caused around us. Understanding shows us the direction of any particular person, place, or thing. If you don’t Understand where a Cipher has come from, it will never be Understood where that Cipher is headed. Peace!
-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)

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Sha Be Allah

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