Support Your Local Rapper

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Artwork by: Nick Williams

This great country of ours was founded and continues to thrive on the spirit of entrepreneurialism. If you didn’t like the way someone did something and you thought you could do it better, you went and did it! And to spotlight and celebrate the undying integrity, hard work, and passion of these individuals, we have National Small Business Week in the middle of June every year.
The Source wants to honor that same ideal and do the same for Hip-Hop’s entrepreneurs. Every week on Monday at noon, we will be presenting projects from four promising rappers in the country-one from each region (East, West, Midwest, South) in our new column, Support Your Local Rapper. Think of SYLR as an international platform every up and coming artist has been dreaming of to be heard on. What’s the cost? A love of Hip-Hop and a mixtape/EP/LP of outstanding quality which no one can deny. That’s it. You’ll notice three of the projects are from March and we’re nearing the end of April. There are a few reasons for that. Actually, there’s one. These have been the dopest projects we’ve found so far. There’s a lot of music out there and that’s the reason we started this campaign. So if you check these projects out and think you’re of the same caliber, if not of a higher one, then email us your EP/LP to Let’s keep it recent guys. The project can’t be older than 30 days from the day you submit it. You need a few things in your submission email:

Where you’re representing
Short bio
Link to your project (do not attach any music)

Without further ado, in the first round of the 2013 SYLR draft, The Source selects…

West: Jaay BarzF*ck Wit It

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Midwest: Myke BoganMonkeys on the Beach

South: Mick JenkinsTrees and Truths

East: SmCityDream Cemetery

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)

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